Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Open Air Gallery

I'm just going to post some cool street art that was around Berlin. While we were walking around Prague tonight I kept expecting to see heaps of it everywhere. That said, I did see a cool chicken on a wall near the hostel. In Berlin you just start looking out for it. I'm not even going to pretend I'm hip enough to know who did them or what their significance is though.

These were on the East Side Gallery, the longest part of the wall still standing.

Get it!
... tehehe
The rest of these were just scattered round and about. There were tonnes in a cool alleyway near our hostel.


Albert on a bike. Very cool.
This little quacker was everywhere!
This fella was my favourite. I found him quite a few times. Cheers little yellow and green cat-racoon guy!

This little girl is a monster. Her name is 'Little Lucy' and she's all over the place. Wherever she is is her poor dead cat. Look! It's in two peices in her hands!! Horrible child!!
Poor kitty.

A cool Melbourne gal we met in Berlin told us this was a Banksy. It doesn't look like much, but it is. It also says 'Fuck Banksy!' underneath it. I don't know if he wrote it, or if someone else did. Apparently he did a peice on the East Side Gallery and it got painted over by other people by the next day.
The moral of this is that Berlin is cool and you should go there.

Love Bron xoxoxox


  1. RAD.

    That is Banksy - I got a Banksy t-shirt with that image to prove it. =P

  2. VERY rad. I love the Pink Floyd ones 'TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!! TEAR DOWN THE WALL!!!'

    Duck-Man, Racoon-Cat-man, Worm-Man, and Albert on a bike are great too.
